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Archived For January 2013
Praying can often be one of the most rewarding experiences anyone can ever do. However, if you are anything like me you will often find yourself either being too tired or forgetting to pray every day. But it is in the times of sadness when a close family member passes away and you wonder what really happens when this life ends that you find yourself on your knees.
There is nothing wrong with this but it is my goal (and hopefully yours) that we think to pray every day and not just when life is going badly. This article will help you come up with some new ways to pray every day and to pray with heart!
Bible Verses
Blog Commenting Plugin
This year I am focusing my time in this blog and testing how to generate traffic, I mean, organic readers who will visit my blog.
Content is my first weapon on how to encourage Christians to go in my site but I am thinking that this method is not enough to get notice by visitors, so I plan again to get back from basics and that is putting Commenting System on this blog and I choose Disqus in this method. I will update this post on what I have experience by using this plugin.
Another precious year has came and another precious year will come. One thing for sure about this coming 2013, this blog will be more powerful than before. Powerful to motivate one soul and spirit to conquer fear and loneliness. Thanks for the year of returning and reading my blog, and I will still continue to post high quality post that will encourage every bloggers to continue from doing their work online and what they started. God Bless us this 2013. Happy New Year.
"If FAITH can move mountains and HOPE can wait forever, then CHARITY with LOVE can conquer the world." ~~~GetSickCure